41st Annual Native American
Elders and Youth Gathering
July 25th – 27th, 2025

This Year’s Theme:
To Be Announced
Join us on the zoom platform or in person at the beautiful Peace Village in Lincoln, Vermont, for the 41st Annual Native American Elders and Youth Gathering Friday- Sunday, July 25th – 27th, 2025, with workshops Monday July 28th. This gathering is hosted by Ven. Dhyani Ywahoo, chief of the Green Mountain Ani Yun Wiwa, and Sunray Meditation Society & Peace Village.
The Indigenous peoples of the Americas prophesied that the day would come when they would share their spiritual teachings with all people. For 39 years, Ven. Dhyani Ywahoo, Sunray’s spiritual director, and Sunray Meditation Society have been fulfilling that prophecy through its annual Elders Gathering. This 41st year we are inviting young people as well as Elders to present and share from their hearts.
Elders and Youth Gathering is a place for everyone of like-mind and -heart, committed to living in harmony with the Earth and all living beings, to learn, listen, share, and experience the creative power of a global spiritual community.
At the annual Elders and Youth Gathering, Indigenous Youth and Elders, along with quantum physicists, and environmental and earth scientists, come together with the community from all walks of life and many different nationalities. Elders share wisdom, reveal the sacred teachings within ancient prophecies, and engage in multi-generational, community discussions about building a new way of walking in harmony with Mother Earth.
This year, Elders and Youth Gathering will be a hybrid event, live-streamed from the Sunray Peace Village in Lincoln, Vermont (following Vermont and CDC Health Guidelines).
Save the Date
for the
41st Annual Native American Elders and Youth Gathering
July 25th – 27th, 2025
theme to be announced
Are you interested in joining the Planning Committee?
Email us at e[email protected]
Thank you for your generous donations supporting Elders’ travel,
lodging and food, as well as other event related expenses.
Click Here to Join Our Mailing List
Special Events

Post-Elders and Youth Gathering Workshops
Register for Interactive discussions with Elders and Youth. Click Here for more information.

Friday Evening Concert
To be announced

Art Tent
To be announced
Learn more about Sunray in the world
Visit Our Website sunray.org
We are an international spiritual organization dedicated to world peace and reconciliation.
Our Peace Village is a sanctuary based upon the Cherokee Peace Villages.
Sunray at the United Nations
Sunray achieved recognition by the United Nations as an accredited non governmental organization (NGO) in 1992. Learn more about Sunray’s NGO activities.
Peace Village Documentary
Explore how ancient Indigenous prophecies and quantum physics are interrelated in this award winning documentary filmed during Sunray Elders Gatherings.