Envisioning the Future of Peacemaking with Sunray NGO

May 21, 2022 @ 11:30 – 1pm EDT


Please join the Sunray United Nations NGO Representatives, Sandra Sheridan and Carolyn DiCarlo, for a peek into the UN and NGO world and what it’s like to be on the NGO Committee on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.

After a short description of the NGO Committee, Sandy and Carolyn will have a conversation on what it is like to be a part of the UN International community. We will then invite you to brainstorm as to how Sunray NGO can continue Venerable’s ancestors’ vision of working together with peoples of all nations, working together for peace. Please consider these questions: What are your interests and concerns regarding Indigenous peoples? What skills might you offer for the benefit of Sunray NGO and the Vision of Peacemaking from Venerable and her family?

Let’s explore global peace together for the benefit of all beings.

Sunray teachings remind us that we are relatives in a time of awakening. Caring for all our relatives on Mother Earth nourishes us all. We ask that you donate what you can to our cause so we may go forth with our collective dreams and those of the ancestors.

Zoom information follows below.

In Peace, Sunray Meditation Society

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At Sunray Meditation Society, sacred ceremonies such as ceremonial new moon fires, meditation practices, and healing celebrations are neither bought nor sold, in contrast to workshops and other teachings where registrations are offered.