Dear Sunray Community and Friends,
I am sharing this most important message, Prayers for Planetary Health, by Chief Arvol Looking Horse, issued in May 2013, as the ripples continue into a melody of resolution.
Expanding communication with the Sun, as demonstrated by its corona mass ejections, is essentially photonic energy that melts away mental constructs of limitation and vitalizes recollections, that all appearances arise out of light. Plasma energy flows create a basket of opportunity. New songs arise transforming thought forms outgrown as baskets of geometric potential are revealed.
It is up to each of us to remember that we shape the appearances that are arising. When there’s contraction, there’s distortion. When one rests in the place of “Ahhh”, there’s understanding and wisdom that come forth to repair the heart and our actions.
We can manifest what is lifeforce enhancing, and we can shape those arising appearances for the benefit of all. Energize the future, which liberates the wisdom potential within all beings, as the divisiveness of ignorance is transformed into skillful compassionate activity.
Yes, energy of the Sun is increasing, and it is giving us the opportunity to recall that we all arise from one source… light expressed as a luminous dance of forms arising. Wise to recall that we are all relatives within this dream.
Venerable Dhyani Ywahoo
P.S. Visit to download and practice medicine wheel mandala practice.
Chief Arvol Looking Horse’s Message May 2013
Mitakuye Oyasin!
My Grandmother shared with me a powerful time when the people came together for prayers during the Dust Bowl in the 1930’s. She accepted a C’anupa to bring out the White Buffalo Calf Pipe Bundle to end the drought and bring healing to Mother Earth. Even the non-native farmers heard of this prayer time and offered a cow to feed for the ceremony. The prayer was answered!
Recently I accepted tobacco from a Grandmother – Anpao Wic’ah’pi Was’te Winyan of the Ihanktowan Oyate. She had a dream of bringing People together at the bundle to pray for a healing of the biggest cancer that is spreading upon Mother Earth; caused from the Tar Sand efforts with XL pipeline that is threatening to come through our territory and our Sacred Sites.
Our Nation who is known as the Pte Oyate (The Buffalo People) will be praying with Sacred Bundle on May 18, 2013. Please bring food for feast and tobacco offerings.
I am asking “All Nations, All Faiths, One Prayer” to help us during this time of this gathering by praying with us on this day where ever you are upon Mother Earth.
We need to stop the desecration that is hurting Mother Earth and the communities. These recent spills of oil are affecting the blood of Mother Earth; Mni wic’oni (water of life).
Chief Bernard Ominiayak of the Lubicon Lake First Nation of Canada is also asking for prayers and to let the World know of his People¹s stand against the Development that is happening against his People. They sit on 70% of oil; those that are after this oil are threatening their lives. His concern at this moment is of non-members, without their consent, signing away their rights and negotiating with Corporations that will forever affect their way of life – to live off the land – handing them a death sentence. At this moment there are too many of their people dying from cancer. When they hunt, they are finding maggot-infested moose. When they fish they are finding two headed fish. The people are dying from trying to survive in a traditional way in their territory. The UN has submitted a statement in support of Lubicon Lake Nation¹s stand to live in Sovereignty and live in their tradition.
We have many concerns at this time. Along with the First Nations whose territory is within the Tar Sands desecration; with their lives being threatened and also the high death rates of cancer, along with the sickness of the land and animals.
Many other Nations are committed to praying with us on the day of our ceremony. For those that cannot attend, Chief Wic’ah’pi To Wambdi is helping with his sister’s dream representing the Ihanktowan Oyate, by asking those that cannot attend to send him tobacco ties and flags so he can carry them for the People to the Bundle.
I have also been contacted by People who will have another gathering outside the UN at Isaiah’s Wall in NYC, they are committing to support and pray with us on May 17th at noon.
In a Sacred Hoop of Life, where there is no ending and no beginning!
Hec’el oinipikte (that we shall live)
Chief Arvol Looking Horse,
19th Generation Keeper of the Sacred White Buffalo Pipe
For More Information:
Address of Chief Wic’ah’ipi To Wambdi, 30702 Eggers Road, Wagner, South Dakota 05738