Sunray Meditation Society’s Inspirational Messages Series
In this Issue:
Applying Remedies & Choosing What is Wisdom and Lifeforce-Enhancing
A Video Message from Venerable Dhyani Ywahoo
Blessings of Seeds
Stay in Your Seat by Rev. Bev Hunter
Message from the Mamos from Mamo Guney Maku
Community Collective Planning
Tai Chi for Rehabilitative Health 7-Part Series from Dr. Paul Lam
Resources for Our Young People
A Verse for Uncertain Times by Rudolf Steiner

Garchen Pinpoche of Garchen Institute invites everyone to cite these lines 3 times a day from Shantideva’s Way of the Bodhisattava:
“May every being ailing with disease
Be freed at once from every malady.
May all the sickness that afflicts the living
Be instantly and permanently healed.”
Turning to Each Other – We Are One With All Life
We know that the Sunray community and our friends are finding ways of connecting even though we find ourselves at this time in our homes, working at home, and even home-schooling our young ones. We’re learning to see the opportunity that’s presented in even this challenging and concerning moment for us. We have the opportunity to continue to deepen and expand our connections as a global community committed to peace, honoring Mother Earth, and creating positive futures for all living beings. We hope the messages we are sending through this channel will inspire you, and remind each of us we are not alone. We are together no matter the distance that physically separates us.
We welcome your feedback and any inspirations that you’d like to share…you can do so by going here.
Applying Remedies & Choosing What is Wisdom and Lifeforce-Enhancing
In this video, Venerable Dhyani shares traditional remedies to apply, and reminds us of our power to choose what is wisdom and life force enhancing in these transformative times.

Blessings of Seeds
Wednesday April 22nd, 2020
11am EDT; 8am PDT; 3pm UTC
Ywahoo Family Lineage
This is an invitation for our global community to
join together from wherever you are in offering
the Heart Chant and Dance of Directions,
a synchrony of sound and rounds in multiples of 3,
as a prayer, generating benefit for all beings.
Celebrate Earth Day in 2020 on the New Moon,
attuning with the pulse of Earth and Sky,
moving as one flowing in the Dance of Life,
heart resonance in balance with the elements.
Awaken potential of original instructions,
pearls of wisdom within all beings,
true nature guiding compassion in action.
May we energize the seeds of good cause,
to be planted for benefit unto future generations,
that suffering be liberated in this and all worlds.
In Gratitude to All Our Relatives
Who Have Pointed the Way

Stay In Your Seat
by Rev. Bev Hunter
Venerable Dhyani has told us about how her grandparents and Elders encouraged the children to “stay in their seats”. “To stay in your seat, not to leave your seat or be disturbed, your seat of natural awareness, your seat of wisdom. To sit there without going out, running after the appearance of “I want”, to sit and recognize that all is occurring within, and to mindfully receive the blessings that flow….” (Masterfully Healing: Energizing the Voice of Loving Accomplishment). Our current unprecedented times offer us lots of enticement to leave our seats, forgetting our own balance and true luminous nature – reacting in fear, joining the chaos of uncertainty and the media drama.
When I first heard the concept of staying in my seat, I approached it literally. What did my seat “feel” like. Was it comfortable? How could I tell that I was in it? How could I tell if I wasn’t? I noticed that being in my seat supported my sense of well be-ing. I started to feel the shift if I was distracted by things going on around me. I found that I could return to my seat and that sense of balance, and calm. I noticed that I seemed to be more useful to those around me when I stayed in my seat, rather than joining them in the fray! Staying in our seats is like the safety instruction when we get in the airplane and are told to put the oxygen mask on ourselves first, so that we can then help others!
In Growing Up Cherokee, Venerable Dhyani has written: “Luminous silence is observing without adding or taking away, or as our Elders would say ‘it is to move through the world without leaving your seat’.”
By staying in our seat in these Covid-19 times, centered and calm, we can radiate love to our family and friends, rather than radiating fear and worry.
Message from the Mamos
of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, received on April 6, 2020

“Don’t say no, they didn’t tell us.
We Mamos from the Heart of the World, which is also the Heart of the Universe, from our sacred house, the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, Colombia, we greet all our little brothers of all races in the world, the great brotherhood, all teachers, light workers, all those who are on the road of change of consciousness, those who are awakening to a new consciousness and also all those who are still asleep.
We invite you to reflect on what is obvious, on what everyone is talking about, on the message that crowns us all as a single unit, as a single pain, as a single suffering, as a single humanity that suffers, that cries, that breaks down and that has to rise up empowered, different, freed from incomprehensible egos, from values that did not help, and from powers that left us weak and tired of carrying them because when we needed them most, they didn‘t help.
The Mother spoke, life shouted it into our faces, nature revealed it, the unintended fires cried it out as a truth. But we did not hear them because we were busy with the great, because it didn‘t touch us directly, because we were building a better tomorrow without knowing for whom or for what…
Community Collective Planning
Family and Community Planning Tool for Uncertain Times
This tool was developed by Sunray Community members David & Josie Lipkin. We’re grateful that we can share it with you. This is a space to reflect and plan together as a family or as a community to work cooperatively, lovingly and with great awareness through times of change. By doing so, we care for each other and those around us. We send forth prayers that all beings will have what they need. (See Shantideva’s Prayer of Dedication at the end that we can recite or meditate upon.)
Tai Chi for Rehabilitative Health
7-Part Series from Dr. Paul Lam of Australia
Dr. Paul Lam has shared freely his 7-part series on Tai Chi for Rehabilitation as he believes it will aid all humanity in sustaining well-being and seeking balance in these times. Enjoy his story and the journey.
Introduction to Tai Chi for Rehabilitation:
Lesson 1:
Lesson 2:
Lesson 3:
Lesson 4:
Lesson 5:
Lesson 6:
Lesson 7:
Resources for Our Young People

- Michelle Obama Read-Along with Public Broadcasting Station. Mondays at 12PM ET on PBSKIDS Facebook and Youtube!
- Free, fun learning resources offered by National Gographic –
- The Center for Healthy Minds at the University of Wisconsin- Milwaukee has many resources parents can access for their youth,
- HeartMath®Institute has launched a 100,000 coherent Kids Initiative for ages 4 to 6+ and is giving free access to its educational program, HeartSmarts® Adventure,
A Verse for Uncertain Times
by Rudolf Steiner

Waldorf education was created almost 100 years ago by Rudolf Steiner in Germany to bring about social and economic renewal after the devastation of WWI. Steiner also contributed to farming, architecture, and meditation. He was a prolific lecturer and wrote many verses for special occasions and for personal prayer. We share this one for you as it seems as though he wrote it just this morning.
We must eradicate from the soul
All fear and terror of what comes towards man out of the future.
We must acquire serenity
In all feelings and sensations about the future
We must look forward with absolute equanimity
To everything that may come.
And we must think only that whatever comes
Is given to us by a world-directive full of wisdom.
It is part of what we must learn in this age,
namely, to live out of pure trust,
Without any security in existence.
Trust in the ever present help
Of the spiritual world.
Truly, nothing else will do
If our courage is not to fail us.
And let us seek the awakening from within ourselves
Every morning and every evening.
~ Rudolf Steiner
Next Inspirational Message in the Series: Replacing Fear with Courage & Replacing Doubt with What We are Certain Of