by Jennifer ‘Swiftwater’ Vyhnak.
For anyone who loves trees and wants to deepen their relationships with them.
At this special seasonal time in Vermont, our four hour workshop will include sharing our special memories of trees, visiting various trees at the beautiful Sunray Peace Village, learning to communicate with these amazing beings on our own and in a group ensemble. We will also discuss some specific challenges facing our forests and older trees and how we might help. Finally, we will explore potential future projects that may arise from our workshop experience. Activities may be added or omitted depending upon needs arising in the moment. Please dress appropriately to weather conditions, including rain gear and/ or umbrella if necessary, layers advised. Winter parkas and winter hats are highly recommended, as they have been found to help prevent chill on cold, damp days. Bring a mask to wear, bag lunch and beverage, notebook, pens, personal folding chair, and sunscreen. Appropriate social distancing of six feet and wearing of masks will be required.
Originally scheduled at the Peace Village, rain or shine, the workshop has been changed to begin and end at the Lincoln Library, (222 West River Rd., Lincoln, 802-453-2665). Again, social distancing of 6 feet and the wearing of masks will be required. Windows will be opened for air flow. A field trip to the Peace Village will occur during the workshop to allow for exercises with the trees there. Minimum participants registered by evening of Wednesday before workshops: 6; Maximum: 10.
Jennifer Swiftwater Vyhnak received her BA and MA in Communication Disorders, resulting a professional practice as a speech-language pathologist for over 20 years. By following the leadings of Spirit within, Swiftwater’s spiritual influences are rooted in Quakerism, Buddhism, Druidic and Native American Sacred Studies.
Her passion is to teach people how to use their intuitive abilities to communicate with the Devic Kingdom to help humanity come into right relationship with nature and heal the Earth. Swiftwater has led workshops and classes in devic communication, sacred co-creative gardening and earth healing methods in North America and Europe, including workshop offerings at the Findhorn Foundation in Scotland.
She is a co-founder (with Jonathan Corcoran and the late Bunny Daubner) of the ‘Call of the Trees’ book project ( in collaboration with the late Dorothy MacLean, co-founder of the Findhorn Foundation in Scotland.
Swiftwater is also founder of the Vermont Ukulele Society as a contribution of positive, joyful, healing energy in the world,
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