You’re invited to join us online for The Prophecies and their Application to the Present Day, and What Actions Must We Take workshop offered by Grandfather Mike Bastine, on Saturday October 24th, 10 am to 2 pm EDT on Zoom.
Grandfather Mike is a member of the Algonquin nation, a member of the Bear Clan, a healer, and former student of famous Tuscarora medicine man Wallace “Mad Bear” Anderson and Tuscarora healer, Ted Williams, He lives in South Wales, New York. He is co-author of the book: Iroquois Supernatural: Talking Animals and Medicine People.
Grandfather Mike will share Prophecies and will give insight into how to prepare for the coming changes. He is known widely for his talks at universities and gatherings where he shares the diversity of culture to convey to all humans how it is time to remember our “Original Instructions.” He is carrying on teachings that were handed down from Mad Bear Anderson who wanted to unify and prepare all humans for higher consciousness… to live together harmoniously on Mother Earth.
His workshop will offer a chance to learn how the Prophecies connect with our current world situation involving the Covid-19 pandemic, political and social unrest, and global warming. We will examine what we each can do to prepare while we still can make the effort to change. Grandfather Mike will offer questions for participants to discuss in small breakout groups to help us all reflect on what we have learned during this Covid-19 pandemic individually. We will come back to the larger group, Grandfather Mike will help us harvest what we are learning from this time of change and the Prophecies, and how we may benefit ourselves and others going forward while we still have time to do so.
DATE: Saturday October 24, 2020 on Zoom
TIME: 10:00am – 2:00pm EDT
FEE: $45.00