Sunray Meditation Society’s Inspirational Messages Series
In this Issue:
A Video Message from Venerable Dhyani: A Wake Up Call From Mother Earth
Healthy Behaviors, Practices and Suggested Herbs & Supplements to Boost and Maintain a Strong Immune System by Sunray’s Healing Gadugi Members
The Power in Silence by Dr. Aziza Bey
Music, Poetry and Qi Gong to Soothe the Spirit

Turning to Each Other – We Are One With All Life
We know that the Sunray community and our friends are finding ways of connecting even though we find ourselves at this time in our homes, working at home, and even home-schooling our young ones. We’re learning to see the opportunity that’s presented in even this challenging and concerning moment for us. We have the opportunity to continue to deepen and expand our connections as a global community committed to peace, honoring Mother Earth, and creating positive futures for all living beings. We hope the messages we are sending through this channel will inspire you, and remind each of us we are not alone. We are together no matter the distance that physically separates us.
We welcome your feedback and any inspirations that you’d like to share…you can do so by going here.
A Wake Up Call From Mother Earth
We are receiving a wake up call from Mother Earth.
In this video message to the community, Venerable Dhyani shares how the appearance of illness is an opportunity to transform and recognize what is called to change.
As Mother Earth calls upon us to wake up, we are reminded of our reciprocal relationship with the universe, the power of our voice and choice, how to apply the remedies and to caring for oneself and others with love, compassion and appreciation for the gift of life.
Healthy Behaviors, Practices and Suggested Herbs & Supplements to Boost and Maintain a Strong Immune System by Sunray’s Healing Gadugi Members
Sunray’s Healing Gadugi offers here some healing and health-related resources and practices for our Sunray community, friends and families to grow and sustain a healthy immune system. We are offering an inspiring thought, a new piece of information, and/or a reminder of the Fire within–the precious Breath of Life. And we will continue to offer the virtual Global Healing Celebrations, energizing life-force enhancing streams of sound and light for the benefit of Mother Earth and all sentient beings. Venerable Dhyani reminds us that this is a time of purification and wellness is about restoring harmonic resonance:
“As we experience the call to personal and planetary harmony remember the power of our heart minds together generating a harmonic which restores balance. Frequency and rhythm determine forms arising, so the Healing Prayer Celebration, like a tuning fork stabilizes our minds and wind. Energize the ideal seed of awakened awareness and skillful compassion from within, as we are attentive to the ideal recognized as a song within. Love, Peace and Harmony.” —Ven. Dhyani Ywahoo
Here are a few simple tips on how to stay calm, centered and healthy:
- Eat local or organic fruit and veggies daily. They are high in antioxidants, naturally anti-inflammatory and great for immunity. Include dark leafy greens for natural cleansing (ie: kale, collards, spinach, broccoli) and root veggies (ie: beets, sweet potatoes, squash) for grounding.
- To boost your immunity, consider supplementing with natural herbs like organic Oregano oil, Echinacea and/or Ashwagandha. Many herbs can be useful. Garlic, elderberry, cats claw, dandelion, among others. The homeopathic remedy, Oscillococcinum stimulates lymph and helps with prevention of illness. Cistus incantus can be taken as a tea or tincture. Transfer Factor Multi-Immune and mushroom preparations can be very helpful.
- Stay hydrated with pure water. (Take a break from alcohol, sugary drinks and too many caffeinated beverages which can tax your nervous system and adrenal glands.)
- Prioritize daily stress outlets like meditation, movement (walking, yoga, qigong, tai chi, etc).
- Get outside regularly, preferably into nature. Fresh air and natural Vit. D from the Sun do wonders for your mood, energy and immune system.
- Daily meditation.
- Gratitude practice. Notice the gifts that are offered during this time of slowing down.
- Physical distancing.
- Put out food offerings for your Ancestors and the Spirits of the land.
- Sing to any people, animals, or plants you live with; invite your neighbors to join in singing together from your windows or porches (like in Italy).
- Call people you love and read stories to each other over the phone.
- Use caution. This means slowing down, paying attention to everything you do, and making choices based on a realistic assessment of the risks you face. If you are cautious, when you begin to become afraid or overwhelmed, you can remind yourself that you are taking care of yourself and doing the best you can.
- Wash your hands slowly and mindfully. Let it be the ritual that it is. Let yourself feel the hot water on your hands and let that feeling bring you more fully into your body. Many people are recommending washing hands for the time it takes to sing the “Happy Birthday” song twice. Sing the song, inserting the name of something you may wish to see come into the world. (“Happy birth-day clean rivers, happy birthday to you”).
- Smudge home daily
Here are some supplements that may be helpful to consider (remember to check first with your health practitioner before taking and for dosages based upon your health condition):
- Vitamin C 1000 to 2000mg, 2-3 times a day, if tolerated.
- Vitamin D3 5,000 to 10,000 units per day.
- Vitamin A, 5,000 to 10,000 units per day.
- ZINC 15-30mg
- Andrographics tincture, one dropper full 3 to 4 times a day if symptomatic.
- Anti-cytokine and anti-inflammatory supplements, like Curcumen/Tumeric, Omega-3 Fish Oils, and Melatonin. Some studies indicate that a much higher dose than is usually used for Melatonin, i.e. 20 to 50mg at night, is very helpful at decreasing the cytokine storm. (Cytokine storm is the lung-damaging mechanism of COVID-19).
- Dr. Mercola (a well-respected alternative health physician) has great resources and advice for responding to the current environment.
Our internal milieu also affects our susceptibility to viral infection. Keep an alkaline environment by using lemon water or apple cider vinegar, 1 teaspoon to 1 tablespoon in water. Fermented foods like kimchi, sauerkraut, etc., are helpful. It is always good to remember that our thoughts create our reality. Our thoughts and our internal state can have a huge effect on our immune system.
Ven. Dhyani states, “Deep meditation (is important to do) as many are fearful. Replace fear with a vision of individual and planetary health. (The) arising paradigm reveals our interdependence and (it reveals) that we are our sisters’ and brothers’ caregivers.” This is a time to envision the world in peace, prosperity, health and mutual respect. Do it now! Restore the harmonic resonance. This is our healing opportunity.
The awareness of the interdependent web of our smiling hearts has been growing strong together, groomed by our practices of the precious Ywahoo Lineage teachings and nurtured guidance of our precious teacher, Venerable Dhyani Ywahoo. Standing centered in this inner web of grace, resting and being, the stability in our togetherness is anchoring.
Wherever you are, You are Home. Stay in your Seat.
The Power in Silence by Dr. Aziza Bey
A day in February 2020 a particularly stressful time in my family’s life, found me yelling at my usually calm and peaceful husband Bob in a way that shocked me and surely surprised him.
The onslaught of news and its increasing negativity coupled with the personal challenges we faced due to the natural aging process at this particular time (as my brother Keith has said often “getting old is not for sissies”). It felt like a red flag was being waved in front of me (an out of control bull). Read more …
Music, Poetry and Qi Gong to Soothe the Spirit
- Compassion Mantra – Ani Choyling Drolma
- After doing the Dance of the Directions, here’s a workout and moving meditations in the 13 Luohan Qi Gong Style from the Shaolin Temple in Europe
The Guest House

This being human is a guest house.
Every morning a new arrival.
A joy, a depression, a meanness,
some momentary awareness comes
as an unexpected visitor.
Welcome and entertain them all!
Even if they are a crowd of sorrows,
who violently sweep your house
empty of its furniture,
still, treat each guest honorably.
He may be clearing you out
for some new delight.
The dark thought, the shame, the malice.
meet them at the door laughing and invite them in.
Be grateful for whatever comes,
because each has been sent
as a guide from beyond.
~ Jelaluddin Rumi,
translation by Coleman Barks
Next Inspirational Message in the Series: Applying Remedies & Choosing What is Wisdom and Lifeforce-Enhancing