Friends Making New Celebration
Sunday March 14, 9:00 A.M. EDT
You are invited to Friends Making New Celebration on March 14, 9:00 am ET with the lighting of the Sacred Fires at the Sunray Peace Village Arbors in Lincoln, Vermont.
Venerable Dhyani Ywahoo has said: “The Friends Making New Celebration on the new moon in March is an opportunity to observe our thoughts and speech, and transform any errors in our communication.
We “make new” during this process to apologize and transform our words and action in all our relationships into skillful speech and cooperative action.
To purify our mind and speech is to reveal our natural loving harmonic awareness building cooperation and mutual respect.
We aspire to purify our minds and speech, thus manifesting wisdom and skillful action benefiting all relations”.
During these changing times, we invite you to participate in the New Moon Celebrations from your homes. We can offer a simple Zoom live streaming of the Celebration (see link below). Please join in with dance, meditation practices and prayers.
As preparation, make small salt bundles in blue cloth, placing them in the corners of your house or apartment, to purify and transform behaviors that are no longer appropriate to ones’ wisdom growth. You may also want to select a special candle that you use only during these new moon celebrations. You will need a bowl of water.
Friends Making New Celebration is the time of year when the special crystal is brought out for viewing. The crystal will be viewed briefly online after the lighting of the Fire. Later the local community may view this crystal in the Temple of the Adawees, 1:00-2:00 PM (no live streaming).
At this Celebration, we place seeds upon the shrine so that the prayers may quicken the seeds of wisdom in the heart of many people.
The Waters of Forgiveness practice, as taught to us by Venerable Dhyani, is also an important part of this celebration.
Guided by Venerable Dhyani Ywahoo, we celebrate the traditions of the Green Mountain Ani Yun Wiwa as the gateway through which Ywahoo Lineage teachings are shared.
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At Sunray Meditation Society, sacred ceremonies such as ceremonial new moon fires, meditation practices, and healing celebrations are neither bought nor sold, in contrast to workshops and other teachings where registrations are offered.