Green Corn Celebration for August New Moon Fires

New Moon Fire Celebration of the Green Corn
Sunday August 8, 9:00 A.M. EDT

Dear Global Community Friends, 

The New Moon in August ceremony, known as the Green Corn Ceremony is a time of celebration and joy for the entire community, celebrating the maturing fruits of the group’s endeavors. The green corns are a most special gift.

You are invited to Sunray Meditation Society and the Peace Village’s New Moon Fire on August 7, 2021.  Lighting of the Fires will be at 9:00 AM following the Stick Dance. Please join us by offering your prayers, practices and heart resonance on zoom (link below). All are Welcome! 

In Learning Cherokee Ways, The Ywahoo Path by The Venerable Dhyani Ywahoo, 

“Ceremony is essential for survival. Our lives depend upon it. I was taught that ceremonies are part of the circle of life and that we each have a spiritual responsibility to contribute to the cycles of creation. Our thoughts, words and actions contribute to the state of our communities, families, planet and universe. Ceremony marks cycles and creates the pathways for different energy flows to move. It is what one does to keep the experience and information from different realms, integrated, and it is an ongoing relationship.”

“How do we transform and weed from the garden of our minds those thought forms of illusion and separation? It means looking within. ‘Do I see another person as less worthy? Do I recognize what we share in common? Do I understand that we’ve chosen to be here as human beings at this time for a reason?'” 

Come to the Fires, connecting your shrine Fires to the Circle! 

All are welcome to join at the Peace Village, following CDC guidelines or lighting the Fire on home shrines and joining in the practices. 

Guided by Venerable Dhyani Ywahoo, we celebrate the traditions of the Green Mountain Ani Yun Wiwa as the gateway through which Ywahoo Lineage teachings are shared.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 829 3892 1692

Passcode: Peace

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Meeting ID: 829 3892 1692
Passcode: 686671

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Join in-person at the Sunray Peace Village:
2202 Downingsville Road, Lincoln, Vermont

During these changing times when gatherings are reduced, the Ceremonial Cycle continues to be honored at the Sunray Peace Village. You are invited to join in at the Sunray Peace Village Sacred Fires, following CDC and Vermont’s Covid safety guidelines, or from your own home. By participating in person, you agree to follow all the Covid safety guidelines that are posted at the Sunray Peace Village.