Planting Celebration
Sunday May 9, 7:00 A.M. EDT
You are invited to celebrate the Planting Ceremony at the Sunray Peace Village Sacred Fires on May 9, 7:00 AM ET / 4:00 AM PT / 1:00 PM Europe.
On the New Moon In May, we place our seeds and prayer sticks on the Arbor shrine or on our home shrines which brings vibrancy and strength to the seeds. The appropriate day of planting is chosen by auspicious lunar dates and length of growing season. The earth is prepared by making smoke offerings to the directions, inviting the protectors, offering practices and giving thanks for the opportunity to be with the land. We are planting our food.
In Voices of Our Ancestors, Venerable Dhyani Ywahoo writes:
“In the traditional way of life gardens were a ceremonial event for all, an opportunity to give to the Earth as well as to receive.
The seeds of good food are also the seeds of good relationship, so caretaking the garden is symbolic of caretaking all beings.
The garden can be an offering to all.”
Venerable speaks frequently of the importance of growing food, whether in an apartment by a window with herbs or microgreens. For small spaces outside, grow vegetables or edible foods. Work cooperatively in community garden spaces to grow food for your family and to share with others.
May we open our minds and hearts to the many ways that we are connected to all living beings.
All are welcome to join at the Peace Village, following CDC guidelines or lighting the Fire on home shrines and joining in the practices.
Guided by Venerable Dhyani Ywahoo, we celebrate the traditions of the Green Mountain Ani Yun Wiwa as the gateway through which Ywahoo Lineage teachings are shared.
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Join in-person at the Sunray Peace Village:
2202 Downingsville Road, Lincoln, Vermont
During these changing times when gatherings are reduced, the Ceremonial Cycle continues to be honored at the Sunray Peace Village. You are invited to join in at the Sunray Peace Village Sacred Fires, following CDC and Vermont’s Covid safety guidelines, or from your own home. By participating in person, you agree to follow all the Covid safety guidelines that are posted at the Sunray Peace Village.