Pop-Up Book Circle: 108 Quotations

108 Quotations: A Treasury of Mystical Wisdom

Osiyo Dear Friends,

We hope you are all doing well as summer flies by….

We are inviting you to join us for a Pop Up Book Circle to explore one of Venerable Dhyani Ywahoo’s books that is perfect for summer reading!

108 Quotations: A Treasury of Mystical Wisdom, by The Venerable Dhyani Ywahoo.


3:00 to 5:00 EDT, on Zoom.   

Choose 1 or 2 quotes from 108 Quotations!

Venerable Dhyani often asks us how we are going to put what we are learning into action by asking us to think how “we are going to grow corn to feed the people?”

We invite you to share how you will work with the quote(s) you choose to grow corn for the people –and for yourself?   We will follow a talking circle format with breakout rooms and then larger group sharing. Each will have an opportunity for personal sharing (and listening!) about the quotes that we found in our readings. 

We will end our session with a Shazam!! Round, a great opportunity to share the essence of our experience!   

Joyful Reading,

See you on the 22nd!

Rev Bev

[email protected]  

PS: If you can’t attend Sunday, you can send me your chosen quote and how you worked with it “to grow corn to feed the people” and I can share it with the group.

Minimum Suggested Donation $10.00