Osiyo Dear Friends,
The 2021 Sunray Voices of Our Ancestors Book Circle is starting up soon. We would love for new friends and old, as well as those who have already participated to participate in the 2020 Book Circle. The more the merrier!
Please join us as we read together Venerable Dhyani’s seminal work, Voices of Our Ancestors. Venerable has said, in response to our questions: “It’s all in the book!” And it is truly amazing the wisdom for these times that we are finding in this special book!!
In a Talking Circle format, we will:
- Share a wisdom gem that we find in this month’s chapter and
- Share how we plan to employ that wisdom gem in our everyday life.
- “Test it! Does it grow corn?”
Last year’s Voices of Our Ancestors Book Circle group found that this book is very inspiring and they very much enjoyed the opportunity to share from the heart.
We will be meeting on Zoom the fourth Sunday of the month, focusing on the chapter each month. We will use a talking-listening circle so that each of us can share from the heart.
We start Sunday February 28th. Join us to share your experiences, insights, and inspirations reading the Dedication, Preface, and Introduction pp. ix-p. 7. Find and share the wisdom gem that has particular resonance for you.
May All Beings Benefit from Our Reading and Sharing Together!
Rev Bev
Voices of Our Ancestors Book Circle next meeting:
Sunday, March 28th
12 – 3 pm PDT
3 – 5 pm EDT
Join Zoom Meeting
Don’t have ‘the book’ yet?
Want to Support the Book Circle?
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