A Farewell and Invitation Letter from Sunray Events Co-chairs

Dear Friends,

We hope this letter finds you well as we transition into Fall.

We would like to invite each one of you who are familiar with, and already actively connected with the online and in person offerings of our Sunray Meditation Society and Peace Village, to please consider volunteering to form a new Events Planning Committee/Circle. This way Sunray Events may continue to be offered in 2024 with the help of a team. We have been grateful to serve for the past 3 years but are stepping down now to pursue other service projects. We are also deeply grateful to those volunteers—including those who were new to Sunray and jumped right in these past 3 years to help plan.

If you have attended The Peacekeeper Teachings, have been involved with volunteering for the Tech Team, have attended, and/or volunteered with Sunray Events such as the weekly Saturday morning meditations, Book Circle, the Crafts Circle, the New Moon Fires, the Healing Celebrations, the Buddhist Teachings, the concerts, or the many workshops offered, please consider taking the lead to help form this Circle to run events. What has worked best is having either 2 Co-Chairs or 3 people co-leading in a Sunray “Corn, Beans, and Squash” arrangement. This is not a task for one person. The next 2024 Event that needs planning is the Winter Gadugi meeting at the end of January. It is never too early to start. Invite your friends to join with you as we did, and you will find that other new Sunray friends also show up!

Each of us learned by “shadowing” those who had been overseeing Events Planning before us. We will be holding 4 more meetings in 2023 on Mondays at 121:30pm Eastern time where we are available to answer any questions you may have. If you are not able to make those meeting, contact us with the email below.

October 16, November 13, November 27, December 11

Thank you all for your support of Sunray Events these past 3 years.

 It has been an honor and a pleasure to serve our Precious Teacher, and our Sunray global Community. 

O sa li he li ga––We are grateful.


Olivia and Julie 

Sunray Events Committee/Circle and Elders and Youth Gathering 2020-2023 Co-Chairs
[email protected]