New Moon Fire Snow Moon Celebration

Snow Moon Celebration and New Moon Fire 

Sunday Dec 1, 9:00 A.M. EST



Dear Friends of Sunray near and far,

You are invited to Sunray Meditation Society for the New Moon Fire at the Peace Village on December 1st at 9:00 AM ET. We start with the Stick Dance to clear the space, then the Fires are lit.

All are Welcome to join by Zoom or in person.

The New Moon in December is the Snow Moon Usgiyi.  The spirit being, “Snow Man”, brings the cold and snow for the earth to cover the high places while the earth rests until the rebirth of the season in March.  This is a time of storing goods for the next cycle and retelling ancient stories of the people to the young.

From Venerable Dhyani Ywahoo,

“May the Ani Yun Wiwa Snow Moon support growing wisdom and compassionate skill in transforming patterns arising from conditioned experience.  May the wisdom within every being flourish and grow.

For those from afar, you may like to select a specific candle that can become your dedicated New Moon Candle.  When the Home Fire is lit in the Arbor, connect your heart to that Fire, light your candle on your shrine.  Join with us offering your prayers, dance and meditation practice for the benefit of all beings. 

For those in person, join in a potluck feast following the Arbor Fires.

Guided by Venerable Dhyani Ywahoo, we celebrate the traditions of the Green Mountain Ani Yun Wiwa as the gateway through which Ywahoo Lineage teachings are shared.

Note To Our Zoom Friends:

Our camera will bring you into the Sacred Arbor on the New Moon Fires with a single stationary camera view of the Central Fire.

There will be no zoom moderator.

This change supports the sacred ground, Medicine and prayers within the Arbor, encouraging a practice of quiet focus for all.

The Basic Practices will be offered by the officiating Minister in the Arbor.  Please join in by viewing the Fire and participating in your practices throughout transmission interruptions.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 829 3892 1692

Passcode: Peace

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Meeting ID: 829 3892 1692
Passcode: 686671

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Join in-person at the Sunray Peace Village:
2202 Downingsville Road, Lincoln, Vermont

Would you like to receive a monthly reminder email every New Moon?

At Sunray Meditation Society, sacred ceremonies such as ceremonial new moon fires, meditation practices, and healing celebrations are neither bought nor sold, in contrast to workshops and other teachings where registrations are offered.