UN International Day of Peace 2024


The International Day of Peace is observed around the world each year on September 21. Established in 1981 by unanimous United Nations resolution 36/37, the General Assembly has declared this as a day devoted to “commemorating and strengthening the ideals of peace both within and among all nations and peoples.” The theme is: Cultivating a Culture of Peace. This year marks the 25th. Anniversary of the United Nations General Assembly’s adoption of the Declaration and Programme of Action on a Culture of Peace.

Sunray Peace Pole Dedication in the Sacred Arbor of the Peace Village – Aug. 2024


Here are some activities you can consider and help raise awareness about peace and global goals.

1. Act Now for Our Common Future through social media – Promote and participate in the Act Now 1 Million Actions for Our Common Future campaign. Download the app, select the campaign, and log your action to Speak up for Peace.

2. Launch a digital awareness campaign for peace.

3. Organize a peace walk or run.

4. Hold a “Sports Day for Peace”.

5. Host a peace-themed film night.

6. Volunteer for a peace organization.

7. Tend to a community garden for peace.

8. Host a peace concert in your community.

9. Organize an exhibit of art for peace.

Join Unity Earth Event, Unite 4 Peace: Get Involved, September 21
Worldwide Broadcast & 24 Hour Shared Global Experience
September 21, 2024
There’s Something Happening…

September 2024 represents an unmissable opportunity to UNITE 4 PEACE.
Building on many decades of pioneering peace work, this International Day of Peace on September 21st marks the 40th anniversary of the first global celebration, which took place back in 1984.
Leading up to September 21 is a time for communities and individuals worldwide to engage in activities, events and collaboration for peace. This initiative culminates in Peace Week from September 14th to 21st, a convergence of social innovators and their networks, aimed at fostering unity and harmony.

The International Day of Peace, September 21, is the most advanced “planetary day,” with an estimated reach of 3 billion people. It presents a unique opportunity to unite the world in a shared celebration of peace and global connection. By producing a global broadcast that begins and ends in Hiroshima, Japan, we can connect groups and organizations from diverse regions, amplifying voices and stories that inspire collective action.

Together, we will observe the 24-hour Peace Wave, with a minute’s silence at noon in every time zone around the world. This broadcast will not only foster global awareness and unity but also serve as a powerful educational tool, showcasing innovative peace-building efforts and encouraging collaboration.

On September 21, 2024
Join the Worldwide Broadcast, UNITE 4 PEACE, a 24 hour live FREE broadcast showcasing live events, powerful messages and inspiring actions for peace. Register HERE
Participate in the Global Peace Wave: Observe a minute’s silence at noon in your timezone on September 21
Join ChalkTalk, a global chalk art contest that brings communities together to spread messages of peace, unity and love. Register HERE

Learn more at the UNITE 4 PEACE Call to Play!
Join us in this global initiative to mobilize communities, celebrate our shared commitment to peace, and build momentum for a more harmonious future. Register now to join this momentous occasion as we come together to UNITE 4 PEACE.