Water is a miraculous substance. It is responsive, has memory and in its pure state in nature is a liquid crystal. Venerable Dhyani Ywahoo has referred to water as “field potential”. By mass, we are 66% water. If you include cellular water, we are over 99% water, which would make us miraculous beings.
On a practical level, water is vital to reality of life. There has never been a culture which hasn’t been tied to water for survival and prosperity.
World Water Day celebrates the phenomenon of water. The United Nations celebrates World Water Day as well annually. This year they have focused on the topic of “Water and Peace”, which is quite apt for the Sunray community, having heard those two words be subjects of many of Venerable Dhyani Ywahoo’s teachings.

Water for peace
Water can create peace or spark conflict.
When water is scarce or polluted, or when people have unequal, or no access, tensions can rise between communities and countries.
More than 3 billion people worldwide depend on water that crosses national borders. Yet, only 24 countries have cooperation agreements for all their shared water.
As climate change impacts increase, and populations grow, there is an urgent need, within and between countries, to unite around protecting and conserving our most precious resource.
Public health and prosperity, food and energy systems, economic productivity and environmental integrity all rely on a well-functioning and equitably managed water cycle.
Creating a positive ripple effect
The theme of World Water Day 2024 is ‘Water for Peace’.
When we cooperate on water, we create a positive ripple effect – fostering harmony, generating prosperity and building resilience to shared challenges.
We must act upon the realization that water is not only a resource to be used and competed over – it is a human right, intrinsic to every aspect of life.
This World Water Day, we all need to unite around water and use water for peace, laying the foundations of a more stable and prosperous tomorrow.
Play your part!
Be part of the global campaign on ‘Water for Peace’. We need everyone – from individuals and families to companies and governments – to do what they can to cooperate on water and pave the way for a more harmonious society. Download resources to get involved this World Water Day and find out more about the connection between water and peace.
Sunray: Words of Appreciation for Water
Sunray Meditation Society invites you to participate in energizing the healing of our planet with prayer and correct action. Consider that water is medicine and the elements are aspects of consciousness flowing through all beings, and that our thoughts and prayers may guide the elements towards balance and harmony.
The following prayers and practice are based on teachings from Ven. Dhyani Ywahoo’s grandparents and Chief Thunder Cloud. There are three levels to the practice as well as a dream practice. We have had success in reawakening dry springs through the following prayers and practice.
Realize water is medicine. Prayer when drinking water:
As I receive this water and it flows through me,
May it become medicine dispelling all ills.
May it become medicine revealing the wisdom within and throughout.
I offer apology for any harm done through wrong speech & action.
As this water flows through me and becomes vapor,
May it purify the atmosphere.
May it nourish the wisdom potential in the people.
I offer apology for any harm done through wrong speech & action.
As this water flows through me, and returns to the water table,
May it remove the impurities of chemicals placed within the water.
May the water be made new again.
May this water become medicine for all beings in this and all worlds.
When people are without enough water, go outside, preferably to a place where there has been a spring. If the spring has dried up, go to that spring and stand near it and look to the east and hold either a gourd, a cup, or a glass full of water up to the sky and say the following prayer.
Prayer to bring forth water:
Thank you for this gift of life,
Thank you for the gift of water.
We appreciate this water that you have given.
Now the earth is dry and the trees are crying,
Please accept our offering of this water.
Please accept our apology for any harm done through wrong speech and action.
Pour some water on the ground.
Then turn around and, in each direction,
Take four steps forward and repeat this prayer.
Step four steps back and turn to the next direction.
Repeat the prayer, praying to all four directions.
This level is done at night to see and hear the sounds of those who are crying. Pour fresh water in a special glass that you use just for the purpose of this practice. Before going to sleep go to each corner of your bedroom and offer a bit of smudge, incense, or smokeless incense. In each corner of the room make this prayer offering.
Prayer to see & hear the sounds of those who are crying:
May what is outgrown become compost for the wisdom seed to flourish and grow.
May what is outgrown become compost for the wisdom seed to flourish and grow.
May what is outgrown become compost for the wisdom seed to flourish and grow.
Take the special glass of fresh water to the window holding it up so you can see the moon (if it is not visible, simply hold the glass up) saying the following prayer:
This water, may it become medicine to benefit all beings,
May this water be a mirror that reveals all.
Sip the water.
Put it beside your bed and as you are lying in bed review the day.
Look at, how did I listen to others? Did I respect the people I met today?
See above you the light and bring it into your heart and central pathway.
Water Day Celebration at Sunray Peace Village,
March 22, 2018 with Venerable Dhyani Ywahoo:
Sunray, Water and Peace
In Voices of Our Ancestors, Venerable Dhyani Ywahoo wrote, “To make peace in our hearts is to begin the process of disarmament. As we take down the fortifications of our own hearts and minds we begin to communicate fully with all our relatives. In Tsalagi, water is ama, consciousness, like mama, and when we awaken to the cleansing properties of water, then we wash away the obstacles to good relationship with self, others, the earth.” P.117
Let us all take some time on this year’s World Water Day to reflect on the truly miraculous properties of water. Let us dedicate our practice for the benefit of all beings and return to our Mother Earth thanks and appreciation or her waters, mountains and atmosphere. Let us never forget our responsibility to caretake these her gifts to us.
“ Just as seed grows fruitful when planted by the stars’ signs, so the seed thought of planetary peace has taken root. May it sprout through all heavens. May each one cultivate caretaker mind, caretaking one another and the Earth herself. Let us each consider our actions unto seven generations. Thus a new age begins.” P. 27, Voices of our Ancestors, Venerable Dhyani Ywahoo.