Boston Sunray Meditation Circle

Dear Relatives,

We are grateful for the opportunity to practice together.

All are invited to our Boston Sunray Meditation practice across the ZOOM platform (instructions follow).

Every Tuesday, practice begins at 7pm Eastern Time – with three rounds of the dance, then a concise basic practice, approximately 50 minutes total.

The Sunray Basic Meditation, Diamond Body Practice, Medicine Wheel Mandala, Dance of the Directions and Heart Sutra can be found here:

Let us put our minds together and generate love and peace.

See you in the light,
Your Sunray Ministers and Teachers

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 841 6619 0878
Passcode: Meditation

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+1 309 205 3325 US
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Meeting ID: 841 6619 0878
Passcode: 4422400935
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At Sunray Meditation Society, sacred ceremonies such as ceremonial new moon fires, meditation practices, and healing celebrations are neither bought nor sold, in contrast to workshops and other teachings where registrations are offered.