Sunray Teachers & Lineages
We offer teachings from three lineages, so each person may find the medicine that supports the actualization of wisdom and skill in their daily lives. The teachings and practice of Sunray Meditation Society are like a beauteous lake receiving the streams of three ancient and intact spiritual lineages. Compassion for living beings and the commitment to manifest harmony through mindfulness are common threads among the AniYunWiwa Tsalagi teachings and the Hinayana, Mahayana, Vajrayana, and Dzogchen Buddhist paths. Mindfulness is the understanding that our thoughts, words and actions shape our life experiences.
Ywahoo Lineage

The Ywahoo lineage of the Tsalagi was established 2,860 years ago by the “keeper of Mysteries,” the Pale One, a great teacher who came to rekindle the sacred wisdom fire. For many years, Tsalagi Elders, such as Grandfather Warren Redwing Ramey (1932-2013) and Grandmother Patricia Downing DeAsis, have acknowledged and offered support to Sunray. Native American Elders from many other nations also have taught at Sunray, including Grandfather Bernard DeAsis (Tlingit).
Nyingma School

Sunray is acknowledged as a Dharma Center in the Nyingma lineage, through the kindness of His Holiness Dudjom Rinpoche (1904-1997), His Eminence Khenchen Palden Sherab Rinpoche (1938-2010), and Ven. Khenpo Tsewang Dongyal Rinpoche. See or
Drikung Kagyu Order

Sunray is acknowledged as a Dharma Center in the Drikung Kagyu lineage of Tibetan Buddhism through the kindness of His Holiness the Drikung Kyabgön Chetsang, Konchog Tenzin Kunsang Thrinle Lhundrup, and HE Khenchen Konchog Gyaltsen Rinpoche. See
Ywahoo Lineage History
The Ywahoo lineage of the Tsalagi was established 2,860 years ago by the “Keeper of Mysteries,” the Pale One, a great teacher who came to rekindle the sacred wisdom fire. Born in a miraculous manner, his body emitted great light, he appeared in many places at once and he spoke the language of all creatures.
The teachings of the Pale One flourished throughout the Americas at a time when the people had forgotten their original instructions, neglected their spiritual duties, and became warlike. He re-established the building of temples and schools, reformed the priest craft training, and gave methods for cultivating and maintaining peace within individual, family, clan, nation, and planet. He rekindled the holy fire and renewed the original instructions, inspiring people to act as one with the sacred law and bringing all thoughts and actions to harmonious resolution.
This great teacher was a living reminder of the un-manifest potential of all. The duty given to those of the Ywahoo lineage is one of crystal-activating sound formulas, and maintaining ceremonies for universal balance.
For hundreds of years the sacred teachings were hidden. During 1969, Elders of many bands and the Ywahoo bloodline conferred and decided that the general aspects of the teaching were now to be shared with all those of good heart who were dedicated to manifesting peace. The Elders stated that the astronomical teachings were to be restored to the world; these are the basis for understanding the movements of the stars that give order to the ceremonial calendar shared by most native peoples of the western hemisphere. The Elders said that the Medicine of the Twins—known as Good Heart Walking in Harmony with the Flow who was born in an easy way and Pushing Against the Tide who was born from beneath his Mother’s arm—was to be understood by all so that even anger and fear could be recognized as opportunities to realize that clear wisdom fire within. And they said that the general teachings of the Pale One were to be shared, to give light to a new day.
Ven. Dhyani Ywahoo, Spiritual Director and Founder of Sunray, represents the 27th generation of Ywahoos who have been entrusted to maintain the teachings, to ensure methods of stabilizing the mind in times of confusion. These teachings were passed to her by: her great-grandfather Eli Ywahoo; her grandmother Nellie Ywahoo; and her grandfather Eonah Fisher (Bear Fishing).
These things are being done according to instructions. In 1969, Sunray Meditation Society was founded as a vehicle for the appropriate teachings of the Ywahoo lineage to be shared with those of one heart, and today students and practitioners of the Sunray teachings are flourishing as seeds of light and right relationship in communities throughout Turtle Island (North America and the world).