Dance of the Directions
Dance of the Directions Form 1 as taught to us by Venerable Dhyani Ywahoo
Practitioners of the Ywahoo lineage teachings of the Ani Yun Wiwa People learn a prayer dance, the Dance of the Directions, based upon exercises and dances taught by Eli Ywahoo, Eonah Fisher, Nellie Ywahoo and Venerable Dhyani Ywahoo.
This Video is an introduction to the basic teachings of the Dance of the Directions. One who would like to learn more about this dance may contact Sunray Meditation Society through this website. By viewing this video no one receives the authority to teach the Dance of the Directions.
May this dance benefit all our relations. May we each generate peace for self, clan, nation, earth. May all assist in keeping these teachings pure and only taught by those who have been tested through the approval of the Ywahoo lineage. Wadogh.