Support Peace

Your kind donations & volunteer support sustain our work!

Sunray Meditation Society and the Sunray Peace Village deeply appreciate your support.

Generosity means giving, and it begins in the heart, by affirming confidence in the abundance of the universe.
Abundance flows in a circle, like the breath. Breathe in, breathe out.
– Ven. Dhyani Ywahoo, Voices of Our Ancestors

We are 501(c)(3) registered charities with the IRS/USA.
Sunray Meditation Society # 03-0277947
Sunray Peace Village Land Trust # 03-0349064
Tax (U.S.) receipts are issued to donors at the end of the year.

There are many ways to support our work!
Your gifts sustain us! O sa li he li ga, We are grateful

General Fund

This fund is the foundation for all that we do, supporting the everyday operation activities of both our organizations. It funds all the nitty-gritties like: minister’s support, insurances, communication technology, program development, propane and electric, seasonal maintenance and repairs, etc. Our combined organizational operating expenses average $7,000/month.

Your gifts cover the difference between our income from various program fees, and the actual cost of running our two organizations! Help keep the lights on and the Teachings flowing by making a General Fund donation. Your General Fund gift is used where it is most needed.

You may also send checks payable (with memo note: “General Fund”) to
Sunray Meditation Society,
P.O. Box 269, Bristol, VT 05443.

Support Sunray Programs:

Buddhist Teachings

Elders Gathering

Indigenous Community Activities


NGO at United Nations


Other Support

  • Donating In-Kind: purchase an item for the Peace Village or Sunray with documentation as an in-kind donation; Eg: stove, paint, building materials.
  • Sponsoring a project: Make it happen by sharing your resources (financial, expertize, business contacts…)
  • Setting up a Matching Gift Program from your workplace gift program
  • Donating Stocks or Securities.
  • Making a Legacy gift by putting Sunray and/or the Peace Village in your will.
  • Shopping on Amazon Smile By clicking on one of the links, you can name Sunray Meditation Society or Sunray Peace Village Land Trust as your registered non-profit with Amazon.
  • WISH LIST: many summers we need good used appliances – fridges, freezers, laundry, kitchen gear; kids play structure, & gravel for the laneway, lawn chairs

For MORE INFORMATION about these options, contact us at [email protected]


  • We offer several Work Study programs including Peace Village Summer Caretaker, Groundskeeper and Assistants. Volunteer application: [Online] [PDF]
  • We appreciate pro bono professional consultations (accountant, fundraising, social media). Our communication and technology workers are often volunteers.
  • Adopt a task at the Peace Village to take care of – gardens, pruning, painting the Stupa, cleaning, winterizing, repairs, etc

If you are interested in getting involved or would like to offer service in another way, please contact us at [email protected]