Documentary & Sound
- Our profound award-winning documentary, Peace Village, is now available on Vimeo On Demand. All funds generated by watching this film will be donated to the Sunray Meditation Society.
- Passing the Flame, the 2nd in the Peace Village documentary film series is also now available on Vimeo On Demand.
- Peace Village Stream (6 min.)
By Donation
- Words of Appreciation for Water (English & Spanish versions)
- Medicine Wheel Mandala (English & German versions text only, for audio see Books & CDs)
- Sunray Basic Meditation (English & German versions text only, for audio see Books & CDs)
- The Heart Sutra (English, German, Spanish, French & Polish versions)
- The Seven-Line Prayer (English & Tibetan)
Books, CDs & Videos
Peace Village Retreat Center Forms
- Program Camping Form [Online] [PDF]
(for Sunray Program Attendees. See Peace Village Visitors.) - Retreat Application Form [Online] [PDF]
(for Sunray Retreat Campers. See Peace Village Visitors.)
- Anchor magazine has an article on the Sunray Peace Village that includes an interview with Venerable Dhyani, and
- an article by Reinhard Reitzenstein, telling the story of his experience carving the Peace Village Clan Pole.
At Sunray Meditation Society, sacred ceremonies such as ceremonial new moon fires, meditation practices, and healing celebrations are neither bought nor sold, in contrast to workshops and other teachings where registrations are offered.