Blessing of the Seeds Celebration for April New Moon Fires

Blessing of the Seeds Celebration
Sunday April 11th, 9:00 A.M. EDT

You are invited to celebrate the Blessing of the Seeds Ceremony at the Sunray Peace Village Sacred Fires on April 11 at 9:00 AM ET / 6:00 AM PT / 3:00 PM Europe. 

On the New Moon In April, we bring our seeds to the Fire altar or place them on top of our Shrines. We look at them, considering who passed which seeds to us. Where did they come from? Look to see where they can be shared and then return seeds to the shrine to increase the energy until the time of planting. 

Our practices include prayers that the seeds may feed many people and that the seeds may also quicken the seed of wisdom in the hearts of people. That suffering maybe skillfully alleviated. The shaking of the rattle invigorates the seeds. Practices include prayers of gratitude, offerings of corn meal to the earth, dances and Basic Meditation. This is a good time to make Prayer sticks in preparation for garden planting.

All are Welcome. Please join in at the Peace Village (see guidelines below) or from your homes. 

Guided by Venerable Dhyani Ywahoo, we celebrate the traditions of the Green Mountain Ani Yun Wiwa as the gateway through which Ywahoo Lineage teachings are shared.

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Meeting ID: 829 3892 1692

Passcode: Peace

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Meeting ID: 829 3892 1692
Passcode: 686671

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Join in-person at the Sunray Peace Village:
2202 Downingsville Road, Lincoln, Vermont

During these changing times when gatherings are reduced, the Ceremonial Cycle continues to be honored at the Sunray Peace Village. You are invited to join in at the Sunray Peace Village Sacred Fires or from your own home. CDC and Vermont’s Covid safety guidelines include gathering outdoors at the PV with masks required and 6′ physical distancing. By participating in person, you agree to follow all the Covid safety guidelines that are posted at the Sunray Peace Village.