
Dear community of explorers, dear dancers in the light:

We are humans of good heart and like mind. This Gregorian year is coming to conclusion and I am grateful for the accomplishments of our community in creating opportunity of study and spiritual practice.

These times have me reflecting on the idea of community, family, the human family – and looking at the appearance of hindrances to co-operation, knowing that harm arises when we forget that we are relatives in this dance.

Peacemaking is honoring the breath of life we all share and taking care with our speech and thought to energize pathways of reconciliation and co-operation. The sounds of war with earth shaking through her foundations and celestial conversations magnetically conveyed seem like prophecies displayed. 

May our hearts and those of all beings resonantly harmonize in love to gratefully restore balance. Our heart mind conversation has potential to generate sounds of stabilization. 

Our response to aggression with love softens the spikes into more gentle waves reaching towards the shores free from illusion of them and us.  

In peace and harmony,

Venerable Dhyani Ywahoo