We Can Trace Our Roots to the Stars

Catherine Dyer: As we energize the Elders Gathering… the direction about the theme this year… if you could speak a little bit more. I hear that this year we’ll be talking about how we can all trace our roots to the stars.

Venerable Dhyani Ywahoo: So-called ‘aliens’ are expression of one song. We’ve invited one very special elder, Cilfford Mahooty, who is a Wisdom Keeper. He speaks very directly about our relationship with Star Beings. Also the physicists who have come for many years- in their personal experience have something to share about beings from other worlds. When you think about the displays we’ve seen at the Peace Village. It is time we open the conversation and acknowledge that our dance upon the Earth is an extraordinary exploration that began in outer space.

It’s not the ‘woo woo’ drama of alien beings. It’s the recognition that the elements through which all forms arise began in outer space. We may understand different families that still display their continuity today.

To think that what is done on Earth is just an Earth impact is just an illusion. Whatever occurs it resonates through the field and touches everyone in an instant. In an instant we can decide to be loving, compassionate beings. In an instant we can recall the power of our minds to manifest.

In earlier times I would give teachings and crystals would fall out of the sky. I stopped doing that because people became arrogant and thought, “I did this. I did that”. When the truth is, it is all about we as one.

Catherine: Venerable, to follow up on that question, as we send out the invitation for people to join us at the Elders Gathering, will we be using the word, “aliens”?

Venerable: No. We are recognizing ourselves as multi-universal beings. We have relationships with multiverses. Some are resonant and beauteous songs and are easily understood and others may be mysterious.

Alien, what does that mean? Alien. It could be anyone who came to America.

Catherine: Yes, it can be a disturbing word. That’s why I wanted the clarification.