Sunray Meditation Society’s Inspirational Messages Series

Turning To Each Other – We Are One With All Life!

A Message from Venerable Dhyani Ywahoo  

I am pleased that Sunray’s Council of  Trustees and its Healing Gaudgi Members are coming together to share with you a series of messages: Turning to Each Other – We Are One With All Life.  Over the next few weeks, you will receive messages of inspiration, grandmotherly-wisdom on healthy practices, videos for meditation and reflection, and other helpful information.  So on this day of the vernal equinox or the beginning of spring in the northern hemisphere, I want to share with you a few words to launch this Series.

We are in a time of collective purification, uncertainty and change to the normal practices of our lives. Anxieties and fears can arise especially as a result of some of the messages we’re receiving from the media.  In old prophecies these times were described as part of a continuous cycle, which is now in a state of purification of our hearts, minds, and conduct. What is being purified are the thought forms of separation and dominion over other living beings and the Earth.

The recent display of a global virus is a mirror of the illness of illusory separation in our own minds that is causing harm to each other, the Earth, and water.  Let it be revealed that we have inherent power to create a healthy reality – one that is life-force enhancing for all living beings. At the same time, we are called to act wisely in caring  for our bodies, relationships, and cultivating healthy lifestyles. While there is cause for anxiety, let us also celebrate the joy markers in our lives with our families, and come together as a community that understands we are all interdependent. Together, we can walk gracefully through these changing times.

Where we see despair arising from illness, what does this illness represent? Illness expresses separation from the harmonic tone of integration.  I invite you to recall the sound of harmony within your heart-mind.  What is being called to be integrated? Our feet are upon the Earth, our hearts are with one-another, and a vision arises inviting us to see the ways in which we are connected.

You may think something is happening in another part of the world. However, just as we see the movement of the wind around the planet, we also see how thought forms as illness travel around the planet. The arising appearance of illness is a reflection of loss of harmony with the Earth and all life, resulting from thinking that we  have” control” over everything.  We have forgotten that we are part of Earth, sky, each other, etc., and karma arises to reveal our interdependence. 

The lack of ease being expressed now is a call for us to put our feet back on the Earth, to recognize the power of our speech, and to choose mutual respect for living beings and Earth’s water.  Waves of change present the opportunity to recall that the virus we are seeing is like a seed of imbalance. It is seeking a place to plant its poisonous roots—echoes of songs of limitation and closed hearts. The sound of unopened hearts is awakening the sound of bells that are shaking free all concepts of dominion over the Earth and each other. The antidote to these poisons is compassion and recognizing a vision of healthy families, clans, nations and all beings.

The Buddhist teacher and great lama, Guru Padmasambhava, promised that his mantra would be an antidote to the poisons appearing in this time.  Anyone, regardless of religious affiliation, can chant this mantra, which is Om Ah Hung, Vajra Guru Padme Siddhi Hung. When chanted with deep commitment in times of famine, illness, war and planetary changes, Guru Padmasambhava’s mantra transforms negative effects and is an antidote to poisons of thought, word and action which have arisen as karma. You can read more about the mantra in the Benefits and Advantages of the Vajra Guru Mantra by the great 14th century tertön Karma Lingpa. 

Also, visit and read and practice the Medicine Wheel Mandala.

I trust you will enjoy the helpful hints shared by community members. 

May all awaken within the dream and cultivate and perform compassionate activity for the benefit of all.



Next Inspirational Message in the Series: Transformation Begins In Our Hearts